Tuesday 10 February 2009

A false start

I’m starting off in this blog quite falsely, hence the title. This won’t really be a blog entry so much as a series of explanations. In the sense that it is, literally, the first of my posts in this, my blog; this is a blog entry. But it doesn’t count, for the very reason that it is, in its essence, a group of reasons.

The first part here is a reason, or the reason, behind the title of my blog. Well Thought Out Twinkles is a song by the band Silversun Pickups. Though I know the lyrics to the song, I honestly couldn’t tell you what it’s about, but one particular part in the song – a “well thought out twinkle” I think – is part of the reason I thought it would fit as a title. The lyric in question is this - “find one last flaw and keep it safe and free from harm”. I’ll probably leave your good self to wrap your mind around that one.

Now comes an explanation, sort of, of who I am and why I’m writing this. The latter I can address quite concisely: to inspire (myself first and foremost, I don’t claim to provide inspiration to others, but if you find any inspiration in my words then all’s well and good). My own inspiration for doing this came from a friend of mine's blog. As for who I am, I am a philosophy graduate, with all that entails (thinker, reader, writer). That’s as much as I will say on that just now.

One last reason, which will mark the end of this pseudo-entry and after which will come the first of (I hope) many real entries, is the reason I chose the name Osprey21 to write here. Osprey: because they’ve recently been reintroduced near where I live. 21: because it’s my favourite number.

Oh yes, for those who want to hear it, here is the song.

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